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EPMware's workflows work for your business.

Data drives today's business, which means the quality of your metadata counts more now than ever. Capturing and updating metadata manually is time-consuming and error-prone, which puts both your data and your business processes at risk.

EPMware is designed to allow the business user to easily view and create metadata requests and submit the request for review, approval, and enrichment through a workflow process.

This allows organizations to streamline the otherwise manual and uncoordinated process of requesting metadata changes traditionally managed in email, Excel, or SharePoint.

An illustration of a laptop showing a line graph pointing up to the right

There is power in simplicity.

EPMware is the premier choice for providing accurate, accessible, and trustworthy metadata for business users and data stewards.

Create metadata changes in a request while visualizing your hierarchy.
Submit validated requests to the workflow.
Automatically deploy to the target systems.

Manage workflows and changes.

Hierarchy changes are routed through the review and approval process, then EPMware seamlessly publishes the changes to subscribing targets. EPMware becomes the central hub of metadata and data governance, where all metadata operations are managed, executed, and monitored. This provides a high level of visibility and insight into who ran what, where, when, and how. The end result eliminates audit concerns for the change management process.

Screenshot showing workflow and change management in EPMware

Standardize and rationalize data.

EPMware enforces your organization’s workflow around the everyday processes that surround your metadata changes. Users request metadata once, and our workflow engine routes the request to obtain approvals and deploys the metadata to all subscribing applications. EPMware dimension mapping allows standardization and rationalization of your metadata to evolve as your organization develops its master data strategy.

Screenshot showing data standardization and rationalization in EPMware

Gain visibility into metadata requests.

EPMware’s dashboard allows users, managers, and application administrators to monitor the status of metadata requests in real time. Follow a request from the initial create stage through its review, approve, and deploy stages. A graphical representation of each request's status in the workflow allows users to define if a bottleneck lies in the metadata request process and if an escalation is required.

Screenshot showing visibility into metadata requests in EPMware